Happy Anniversary Sam

Today is our 29th Wedding Anniversary. Right now we should be enjoying our morning hug and first cup of coffee. We ought to be enjoying it together. We ought to be looking forward to celebrating with our dinner at Schwaben House later on, sharing our joy with Annette and Giorgio and the staff as we have for the last several years.

I miss you so much! I hear our favorite songs and they start the tears flowing. Or I go into Publix and avoid the ice cream shelves in the frozen food section – especially the Haagen Dasz bars that we always enjoyed together.

I never used to mind living without another human, as long as I had a canine companion. Now, after all our years together, I feel so empty and alone at times. Zen and Zoey are so sweet, and such good company … they make me smile and laugh and at times yell in frustration … but they’re not you. While you were in the hospital I could at least cling to the hope that a miracle would make you whole again and able to come home.

Sam, I know you’re up there in Heaven watching over me. You’re my Guardian Angel now; and along with Callie, Shadow, Ducky, Radar, and Bogie, you’re also watching over Zen and Zoey for me. I try to be my old cheerful, optimistic, sometimes silly self because I know that’s what you would want to see me being. Out in public I usually am. Here at home is another story.

I love you, Sam. I always have loved you. Our little squabbles and arguments were just that because we were soulmates from the start. Our connection goes much deeper than just our hearts. It joins our souls, and even though you’re not here physically, I know your spirit is here with me. I just miss our physical togetherness, our “us”, being able to feel your hand in mine or your arms around my waist. I know you whisper in Zen’s ear sometimes because he’ll stand on his hind legs and put his front legs against my chest and paws on my shoulders and give me a hug and a slobbery kiss. Don’t ever stop, please. I need those Zen hugs!

Zen Hugs

Happy Anniversary Sam! Have I Told You Lately that I love you, that there’s no one else above you? That was our wedding song and it will always be our song. I will miss you forever and always, until we meet again.

18 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary Sam

  1. Jan K says:

    I’m so sorry I’m late getting here to comment. I can only imagine how tough that day must have been for you, Sue. I’m sure Zen and Zoey did their best to help you through it. My heart is always with you. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      It was tough – especially in the morning – but the Zs did get me through the day. We took a short ride in Ducky2 and got them starting to realize that every ride in the car does not end at the v-e-t. 💚🐾💜🐾🦮🦮


  2. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs says:

    am very late, but none the less, I wish you and Sam a good day of memories, his from the heights of Heaven, and yours from your heart, here on Earth.

    Its is so hard and the first time of any imoportant days are the worst. Good thing Zen can relay the hugs from Sam to you, and Zoey will soon learn to hug you too.

    We here add our virtual hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs says:

    I am very late, but none the less, I wish you and Sam a good day of memories, his from the heights of Heaven, and yours from your heart, here on Earth.

    Its is so hard and the first time of any imoportant days are the worst. Good thing Zen can relay the hugs from Sam to you, and Zoey will soon learn to hug you too.

    We here add our virtual hugs.

    ((( ♥ )))

    Liked by 1 person

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